3 Ocak 2011 Pazartesi

Goldman Fails To Rip Taxpayers Off On TARP Warrants, Parades Failure

Goldman Sachs has redeemed those pesky TARP warrants that have been generating so much consternation to PR offices across bailed out Wall Street. Well, van Praag scratched his head on this one, and this light bulb came on: I know, we will put a subheader for what a great benefit to taxpayers out inability to repurchase the warrants for 1 cent was.

Goldman Sachs Pays $1.1 Billion to Redeem TARP Warrants

July 22, 2009

US Taxpayers Make 23 Percent Return

New York, NY July 22, 2009 - The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (NYSE: GS) announced today that it has redeemed the warrants the U.S. government received in connection with its investment in the firm through the TARP?s Capital Purchase Program at $1.1 billion, the full value the U.S. Treasury Department has determined.

While there are a number of ways to value the warrants, including through a public auction, we believe that in the context of the extraordinary actions taken by the government to help stabilize the financial system, this valuation of the warrants represents full and fair value.

In June, Goldman Sachs repaid the U.S. Treasury?s investment of $10 billion, and during the eight months of the investment, the firm paid $318 million in preferred dividends. We are pleased that the payment of the dividends and the redemption of the warrants, which total $1.418 billion, represent an annualized return of 23 percent for US taxpayers.

?This return is reflective of the government?s assistance, which benefitted the financial system, our firm and our shareholders,? said Lloyd C. Blankfein, Chairman and CEO. ?We are grateful for the government efforts and are pleased that this additional money can be used by the government to revitalize the economy, a priority in which we all have a common stake.?

He added, ?Because Goldman Sachs advises companies with their growth plans and raises capital to support that growth, the best and most sustainable operating environment for us is one where consumer and business confidence and economic growth flourish. We are committed to allocating capital and providing liquidity to our clients to help stimulate growth and job creation.?

The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. is a leading global financial services firm providing investment banking, securities and investment management services to a substantial and diversified client base that includes corporations, financial institutions, governments and high-net-worth individuals. Founded in 1869, the firm is headquartered in New York and maintains offices in London, Frankfurt, Tokyo, Hong Kong and other major financial centers around the world.

Media Contact:
Lucas van Praag
Tel: 212-902-5400

Can Lucas please clarify, or much better, can Charlies Gasparino please ask, what happened with the initial discussion to repurchase the warrants at $600-650 million, nearly half of what the final clearing price. Furthermore, why were those discussions scrapped in favor of this much higher price, what was the model used to calculate the fair market value of the warrants (yes, it is secret), and most relevantly, what would the return to taxpayers have been at a $650 million warrant price? Charlie, fans of your newly found journalistic fervor anxiously anticipate your diligent investigation into these items.

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